Just as nobody could have predicted the impact of the steam engine in 1750—or the printing press in 1450, or the transistor in 1950—it is impossible to foresee the long-term impact of 3D printing. But the technology is coming, and it is likely to disrupt every field it touches. Companies, regulators and entrepreneurs should start thinking about it now. One thing, at least, seems clear: although 3D printing will create winners and losers in the short term, in the long run it will expand the realm of industry—and imagination.
Excerpt from ‘Print me a Stradivarius · How a new manufacturing technology will change the world‘ in The Economist.
Is the end of the manufacturing system born in the Industrial Revolution coming? It seems so… and in order to understand how maybe you should have a look at this article at Wikipedia or simply watch this video:
Sergio Monge dice
Je. Es curioso. Yo trabajé dos años para los distribuidores de esas mismas máquinas en España: http://www.caddyspain.com/
Me ha llamado mucho la atención el artículo por eso.
Alfaya dice
Vaya, qué pequeño es el mundo :)
Seguro que tu paso por esta empresa fue una experiencia enriquecedora, ya nos contarás alguna anécdota de esa etapa.
!Muchas gracias por tu visita Sergio!